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“Rambo” (Lionsgate)

And Old Man Rambo He Just Keeps Rolling Along

Sylvester Stallone took his “Rocky” character out in style last year with the final film in the series “Rocky Balboa.” Now it is obvious he wanted to give John Rambo the same treatment. Thus the new film titled “Rambo.” In this movie Stallone appears to have some message of importance to present but the audience never gets it. It is just one scene of grisly violence after another until the movie ends.

The film starts with Rambo (Stallone) working in Thailand as a trapper and retriever of deadly snakes. He sells them to a “circus” of sorts and makes his money that way. Oh, and he also takes people upriver on his boat and serves as a guide/protector. At least this is the role a bunch of American missionaries have in mind when they contact him.

Michael Burnett (Paul Schulze) and his wife Sarah (Julie Benz) are part of a group of American missionaries who want Rambo to take them into the war zone of Burma. They are bringing medical supplies to the villagers. Rambo at first says no but Sarah is able to convince him to do it. No explanation is given as to why.

He gets them there and leaves them to do their work. Later he learns they have been captured by the military and is hired to take a group of mercenaries in to rescue them. So it is back to Burma he goes.

The film seems to be one big battle sequence after another. Body parts go flying and the cruelty of war is graphically spelled out. There is no real moral in the message except maybe to say that war is hell and most of us already knew that. 

There is some enjoyment in the film watching Rambo save the day. This character is almost mythical in his strength and power. You never worry that Rambo might not succeed. He is the type of man and character who always comes out on top. He also is a man of few words but a lot of action.

Stallone is now in his sixties but you would never know it. He looks and moves with the grace and energy of a much younger man. To paraphrase what the woman said in “When Harry Met Sally” – I’ll have what he’s having.

The rest of the cast is forgettable, even Julie Benz. All she gets to do is run, hide and cower. Not much of a chance to show acting abilities there. This film is basically a one man show and that man is Stallone. Forget everyone else.

The movie is rated R for profanity, nudity and violence.

If Stallone was trying to give “Rambo” a big emotional send off, well he didn’t hit that mark. He just created one more action packed movie about a man for whom violence is as natural as breathing.

I scored “Rambo” a steroid packed 4 out of 10.

©2008 Jackie K. Cooper

The author

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