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“P 2” (Summit Entertainment)

Park Here For Violent Entertainment

Forget Meryl, Robert, Tom, Vince and Paul. For the most entertainment available this weekend at the movies look to Wes and Rachel. They are the stars of the violent and viscerally entertaining movie “P 2.” It isn’t the kind of film that will win awards but for gut wrenching entertainment it is the film of the week.

The film is basically a two character movie with Rachel Nichols playing a sleek, efficient businesswoman and Wes Bentley playing a deranged security guard at the building where she works. It is Christmas Eve and Angela Bridges (Nichols) is working overtime. By the time she gets to P 2, the parking level where her car is located, everyone else has left.

The only person she encounters is Thomas (Bentley), the parking area security guard. He seems pleasant enough but looks and actions can be deceiving. Thomas it turns out is fixated on Angela and is desperate to have the pleasure of her company.

Shortly after it starts the movie becomes a simple battle between good and evil. Angela dressed in white is the cinematic version of good, while Thomas who is dressed partially in black is the evil force. It is also the battle of brains versus brawn as Angela is certainly no match for Thomas physically. Still she has an alert mind and a will to survive that stand her in good stead.

The movie maintains a solidly believable pace as Angela fights for a means of escape while Thomas stands ready to block her every effort. Nothing comes easy in this film and the fact that Angela has such a horrible time of it is completely believable.

Nichols is perfect for her role because she is a very pretty young woman who would draw admirers of all types. She also is convincing in the physical activities required of Angela. She projects the image of a woman who is drawing upon every ounce of survival instinct in her makeup.

Bentley has a ball playing Thomas as someone slipping deeper and deeper into insanity. His eyes have a maniacal cast and his physical movements are snakily calculating. His is the easier role to play since he can go over the top. Nichols is required to stay in the range of reality.

The film is rated R for violence and profanity.

In this time of overblown dramas, message movies, and special effects laden gore fests; it is a relief to settle back and watch a film that is true to its story. Okay, it is a little bit gory but nothing like “Saw IV.” This is a movie with a basic premise and it follows that script from start to finish.

“P 2” isn’t a movie for everyone but for those who like a cat and mouse game that plays out to an exciting conclusion, you could do worse than “P 2.”

I scored “P 2” a leveled 6 out of 10.

©2007 Jackie K. Cooper

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