Not Easily Broken (Sony Pictures)
A Movie With A Message
Bill Duke is the director of the new film Not Easily Broken. Morris Chestnut is the star and co-producer. T. D Jakes wrote the novel on which the movie is based and is also a co-producer. These three men brought the story to the screen as a labor of love and one that would also bring a message to those who attend the movie. As such it is a little preachy but the story is easy to watch and enjoy.
David and Clarice (Chestnut and Taraji P Henson) are very much in love when they marry. At their wedding their preacher (Albert Hall) instructs them that they are tied to each other through the strands of love that each one brings. He adds that God is the third strand and as long as he is part of their marriage it will not be easily broken.
A few years later problems in their marriage arise. Clarise is obsessed with being the best real estate agent ever. David spends a lot of his time coaching a little league team. He wants children but Clarice wants to wait. Then the couple is involved in a car accident and Clarices injuries add more stress and strain to their marriage especially when Clarices bitter mother (Jenifer Lewis) moves in with them.
There is a side story involving Clarices physical therapist (Maeve Quinlan) and her son (Cannon Jay). David becomes a father figure to him and this causes some more complications for him and his wife.
The film is a morality play of sorts but one that is done with enough talent and truth to make it palatable. Chestnut is a heroic leading man and Henson is becoming one of Hollywoods best actresses. Lewis is totally annoying in her role which is just how it should be played.
The movie is rated PG-13 for mild profanity and violence.
Not Easily Broken is a story of a marriage much in the way Fireproof was a story of a marriage. Both films play heavily on the importance of faith and both offer hope that marriages can hold together even in the toughest of times.
Cynics will be put off by the essence of this movie but for those open to its message it is a film of hope and heart. Duke, Chestnut and Jakes knew what they wanted the film to be and they made it so. The box office will prove if they were successful or not.
I scored Not Easily Broken a held together 7 out of 10.