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No Strings Attached (Paramount Pictures)

Trashy But Tender

No Strings Attached is the latest romantic comedy that tries to show how profane, sexy and modern it can be, but underneath has a sweet center and fairly traditional values. Most recent comedies have aspired to imitate the Jud Apatow model of raunchy comedy but unless the movie is really, really funny then the raunch acts against it.

Natalie Portman and Ashton Kutcher co-star in this film as Emma and Adam. Their paths have crossed a couple of times in their youth, and then they meet up as adults. At this time Emma is doing her internship as a doctor and Adam is working on a Glee like TV show.

With her hectic work schedule and fear of commitment Emma suggests that she and Adam be friends with benefits, no strings attached. Adam agrees but soon loses interest in this platonic relationship for sex only. He wants more and that is when their problems begin.

Portman is the odds on favorite to win the Academy Award for Best Actress this year for her dynamic performance in Black Swan. In that film she was intense and dramatic whereas in this movie she is bright and beautiful. She handles the comedic elements here as solidly as she did the dramatic aspects of Black Swan and that says a lot about her range as an actress.

For Kutcher this is his best role in ages. He gets to be the heart of the movie and the one with whom the audience sympathizes from the start. He and Portman have a real chemistry together and they complement each others acting styles.

Kevin Kline has a solid supporting role as Kutchers randy father who keeps getting involved with inappropriate people. Just like the movie, Klines character seems to be wild and raunchy but he has a real heart beneath the trash talk. 

The film is rated R for profanity, sexual situations ands nudity.

No Strings Attached is a pleasant way to spend a couple of hours. The two leads are charming and attractive; the story is pleasant and light; and the lingering effect is a sweet one. No Strings Attached may not be the wild and raunchy comedy you thought it would be going in (thought there are some wild elements), but the warm and romantic feelings you have leaving he theater are enough to make the visit worthwhile.

Portman wont win any awards for her role in this film but it does help showcase her versatility. As for Kutcher, this role opposite Portman might just jump start his sluggish career.

I scored No Strings Attached a hands off 6 out of 10.

©2011 Jackie K. Cooper

The author

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