“No Reservations” (Warner Brothers)
Catherine Can Cook My Meal Any Time
Catherine Zeta-Jones and Aaron Eckhart star in the new romantic film “No Reservations.” They make a wonderful couple in the movie and play off each other nicely as two competing chefs. The movie is delicious in its presentation and creates a complete mood for the story. It isn’t a razzle dazzle film like “Chicago” but it is still entertaining and enjoyable to watch.
Zeta-Jones plays New York chef Kate Armstrong. She works at a restaurant owned by a woman named Paula (Patricia Clarkson). Kate is obsessive and dogmatic, but excellent at her chosen profession. Her perfect world is shaken when her sister dies in a car accident and her niece Zoe (Abigail Breslin) comes to live with her.
Kate gets another jolt when Paula hires Nick Palmer (Eckhart) to be Kate’s assistant. She feels totally threatened by him being in her kitchen. His style of work and even his recipe’s are completely different from hers.
The joy of the movie is in the relationships of the individuals. Watching the love relationship between Kate and Nick evolve is a sight to behold. It is told slowly and with taste. Plus the relationship between Kate and Zoe is a believable one too.
Zeta-Jones and Eckhart have good chemistry together. She’s drop dead gorgeous and he’s comfrotably scruffy. They both create strong characters who actually live on the screen. Breslin makes Zoe a precocious child who isn’t appalling. She is actually appealing.
Then there is the musical score by Phillip Glass. It enhances every scene and creates mood after mood. No 0one can enhance a movie like Glass does and this is another top-notch score from him.
The film is rated PG for mild profanity.
“No Reservations” is a languid movie that moves through its story with no urgency and no desire to shock or stimulate. It is low-key all the way and is intended for an audience that enjoys no car chases and no surprises. It is a pretty movie with pretty people in the cast.
If you are in the mood for an easy to like film about easy to like people then go to see “No Reservations.” It is certainly not the best movie of the year but I can recommend it without reservation.
I scored “No Reservations” a dinner for two 6 out of 10.