Nick and Norahs Infinite Playlist (Sony Pictures)
Welcome To the World of No Adults
The new film Nick and Norahs Infinite Playlist is one of those movies that take place in the wonderful world of no adults. It focuses on two high school seniors out for a night of partying in New York who never have to worry about any parental supervision, and neither do their friends. Maybe that is the way life is in New York but across the rest of the country high school students still, hopefully, have some rules they have to follow.
Nick (Michael Cera) is a member of a rock band. All of the other members of the group are gay so everyone assumes he is too. He has an ex-girlfriend named Tris (Alexis Dziena) who is making his life miserable. Tris attends a private girls school where one of her acquaintances is Norah (Kat Dennings). Nora knows about Nick but has never met him but she likes everything she has heard about him.
One night at a club Nick and Norah meet. His bandmates decide she is the girl for him, as they really dislike Tris. They arrange for the two of them to spend some time together and the movie follows their story for one glorious night in New York City.
There is also a subplot concerning Norahs friend Caroline (Ari Graynor). She comes to the club with Norah but gets drunk and needs to go home. The bandmates volunteer to take her home but then during the trip they lose her. Now Nick and Norah need to find her and that takes up some of their time.
Nick and Norah are a cute couple in an odd couple sort of way. Norah seems to be much more street smart than Nick. He just wanders around looking like a lost puppy dog. But that seems to appeal to her and so their having an attraction to each other is logical.
The movie is rated PG-13 for profanity and sexual situations.
The problem with the movie is that nothing really happens. There are some funny moments, there are some sweet moments, and there are some interesting moments; but there is nothing that happens that makes the movie stand out. It is just one night in the lives of two people and when it is over it is over.
The appeal of Michael Cera escapes me. He is the same doofus he was in Juno in every role he plays. At least Dennings has an edge about her that makes her someone you somewhat enjoy watching on screen. But Cera, no way!
If you are just in the mood for a teen movie then maybe Nick and Norahs Infinite Playlist will give you some entertainment. But for me it was just something to endure.
I scored Nick and Norahs Infinite Playlist a forever 4 out of 10.