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New In Town (Lionsgate)

Just Visiting

Poor Minnesota, it never looked as unappealing as it does in the new film New In Town. Ice and snow are everywhere and people walk around bundled up to within an inch of their lives. It doesnt look like a great place to visit and I sure wouldnt want to live there. But obviously some love it and the people portrayed in the film are all friendly and sociable. 

In the movie Rene Zellweger plays Lucy Hill, a woman who woks for a Miami corporation that owns a plant in New Ulm, Minnesota. She is sent to New Ulm as a troubleshooter and to study whether the plant should stay in operation. Upon arrival she is immediately taken under the wing of her assigned secretary Blanche Gunderson (Siobhan Fallon Hogan).

In short order she also meets the Union representative Ted Mitchell (Harry Connick Jr.). They take an instant dislike to each other but in movies like this we know that wont last long. Soon they are best buddies and budding romantics. He even takes her out hunting where she has some problems with the weather and her clothes.

This is a romantic comedy pure and simple. It doesnt break any new ground but relies on the charm of Zellweger and Connick to entertain, which they do. There are some good jokes, a sweet romance, and an inventive ending that strains the bounds of credibility but satisfies nonetheless.

Zellweger does not look her best in this movie. Her face seems to be somewhat frozen. This may be due to the icy weather where they were shooting or it might mean botox, etc. She is completely charming in her personality but her looks are not the same.

Connick is always good in this type of role. It is basically the character from Hope Floats in a colder climate. Hogan makes the most of her part and has some of the best lines in the movie.

The film is rated PG for mild profanity.

New In Town is a pleasantly enjoyable movie experience. It doesnt have any car chases, special effects, explosions, etc. It is just a funny, romantic story with two appealing actors playing the leads. You may want more from a movie than this, or you might just want to wait until it comes out on DVD. Its a little bit bland for the price of admission these days.

I scored New In Town a visiting 5 out of 10.

©2009 Jackie K. Cooper

The author

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