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My Soul To Take (Universal Pictures)

Ten Little Indians

Agatha Christie created the basic plot for all thrillers when she wrote the suspense novel TEN LITTLE INDIANS. In that book she put a limited number of characters in a controlled setting and then began to murder them one by one. The question was who would hold out the longest or would any of them survive. In Wes Cravens new film My Soul To Take the horror director uses that basic plot though he only has seven main characters with which to play.

In the film the Riverton Ripper has been dead or missing for sixteen years. On the night he died seven children were born. Now sixteen years later it seems he has come back to eliminate them all. Bug (Max Thieriot) is the most afraid of the seven. He has been haunted by fear of the Ripper all his life.

The seven people who share a birthday are not close. Bugs closest friend is Alex (John Mangaro) but they are both outsiders. Bug does have a crush on Brittany (Paulina Olszynsi) but she barely knows he is alive. The girl who is interested in him is Penelope (Zena Grey) but she is so obsessed with religion that he cant take her too seriously.

As the day of the Rippers death progresses the students start dying. It seems his spirit has returned to take revenge on those born on the day of his death, or maybe his spirit Is in one of the kids and they are doing the killing. Who knows and who cares

This movie is short on suspense and long on overacting. Wes Craven has made some solid horror movies but this is not one of his best. His cast is not the most talented either. They are young and can not convince the audience that they are really scared.

Plus the film is in 3-D and this adds absolutely zero to the enjoyment or lack of enjoyment of the film. There is nothing to be gained by putting the film in 3-D. It just annoys the audience rather than enhancing the movie experience.

The film is rated R for profanity and violence.

Some horror movies work in spite of themselves with the thrills and chills they provide. An elaborate plot is usually not required for their enjoyment. But in this film the plot s tired and tedious and the suspense is not strong enough to make up for it. There is some fun in seeing who will be knocked off next but even that gets tiring towards the end. These seven little Indians could be eliminated in one fell swoop and no one would care.

I scored My Soul To Take a chill-less 3 out of 10.

©2010 Jackie K. Cooper

The author

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