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“My Boss’s Daughter” (Dimension Films)

Ashton Kutcher is the hot Hollywood star of the hour. He gets more coverage of his life than anyone else in Hollywood, with possibly the pairing of Ben and Jennifer giving him some competition. But just as they had their “Gigli” he has his “My Boss’s Daughter.” This movie should haunt him for a long time to come.

In this lackluster comedy Kutcher plays a good guy named Tom. He is so passive that he lets people walk on and over him day after day. He harbors a secret crush on his boss’s daughter but doesn’t dare let her know it. One day she does deign to speak with him and he ends up housesitting her father’s house. That’s when his troubles begin.

His boss, Mr. Taylor (Terrence Stamp), is very finicky about his home. No one is allowed to wear shoes indoors, that sort of thing. He also has an owl named OJ, which is his pride and joy. He tells Tom that if anything happens to his house or owl, there will be hell to pay.

Of course everything goes wrong. Furniture is destroyed, the owl gets loose, and a drug dealer shoots up the neighborhood. All of this is supposed to show a wild and crazy time but all it shows is how stupid a movie can be. The low point comes when the drug dealer (Michael Madsen) urinates all over Tom. 

Kutcher and Tara Reid (the boss’s daughter) are attractive people. They deserve to be in better movies than this. Molly Shannon and Carmen Electra are also in the cast. They don’t deserve any better than this.

The film is rated PG-13 for profanity and crude humor.

Ashton Kutcher may be the hot young star in Hollywood today, but he has made a movie even Demi Moore couldn’t love. And somewhere Ben and Jen are laughing. There is now a movie in theaters to take everyone’s minds off “Gigli.” “My Boss’s Daughter” is rigli, rigli bad!

I scored “My Boss’s Daughter” an unemployed 2 out of 10.

©2003 Jackie K. Cooper

The author

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