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My Best Friends Girl (Lionsgate)

My Worst Movie Nightmare

Kate Hudson, what were you thinking Didnt some alarm bell go off in your head when they mentioned one of your co-stars was to be the kid from American Pie And didnt they nail the flop door shut when they cast Dane Cook We are not talking Matthew McConaughey or Owen Wilson here. Jason Biggs and Dane Cook are losers at the box office and they are sure to drag you down with them. But no, you had to go ahead and make My Best Friends Girl with them. Well you deserve every moan and groan the audience gives.

Hudson plays Alexis in the film, a woman who is dating a sweet guy named Dustin (Biggs). When she tells him she wants to keep their relationship uncomplicated Dustin hires his cousin Tank (Cook) to date her. Tank agrees too be so obnoxious that Alexis will come running back to Dustin in a panic.

Of course things are complicated by the fact Alexis responds to Tanks brutish ways. And as Tank is with her more and more Dustin becomes the odd man out. It seems the cruder Tank can be the more Alexis is attracted to him. Says a lot about her, eh

The movie is just one long stream of profanity (which somehow seems to substitute for humor), with a few sexual situations added in for good measure. What is disappointing in the movie is that this seems to be what women want. Forget the nice guy, bring on the loser.

Just when you think the movie couldnt get any more stupid or any more crude Alec Baldwin appears on the scene as Tanks father. To prove the acorn doesnt fall far from the tree, Baldwins character is even cruder and more profane than his son. Oh the horror!

You would hope Hudson would scrape together some dignity as Alexis but she doesnt. Her character becomes more and more like Tank as the film progresses. And the final scene, well it is just a joke on the audience. Not a funny joke, but a joke just the same.

The movie is rated R for profanity, sexual situations and nudity.

Kate Hudson has been a bright spot in many movies; in this one she is just part of the cloud. One good thing, the movie should fade from sight and mind quickly and Ms Hudson can move on to other things. As for Cook and Biggs, this is probably the high point of their careers.

My Best Friends Girl is a mess of a movie. It is crude, lewd and rude but aside from that it isnt funny or entertaining which is the reason it so totally fails.

I scored My Best Friends Girl a jilted 4 out of 10.

©2008 Jackie K. Cooper

The author

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