“Mr. Woodcock” (New Line Cinema)
Billy Bob Botches This One
Billy Bob Thornton has the ability to be very funny on film. So does Seann William Scott. Unfortunately neither of them is very funny in their new film “Mr. Woodcock.” The same is true for Amy Poehler, Ethan Supplee and Susan Sarandon. Oh there is a laugh here and a laugh there but nothing consistent.
The premise for the movie seemed to have comedy potential. John Farley (Scott) was harassed by his physical education teacher Mr. Woodcock (Thornton) when he was in middle school. Years later he used this past unpleasantness as the basis for a self-help book that has become a best seller. He is on tour for the book when he learns from his book tour representative Maggie Hoffman (Poehler) that his hometown wants to present him with an award.
When he arrives at his mother’s (Sarandon) home he learns she is seeing someone. His name is “Mr. Woodcock.” John is stupefied by this information and immediately begins to plot how he can break Woodcock and his mother up. He is joined in this plot by his boyhood friend Nedderman (Supplee).
When Farley’s revenge plot kicks into high gear so should the comedy, but it doesn’t. The only funny moments are those which were shown in the trailer. All else is just silliness and/or cruelty. The audience has tuned out long before the movie ends.
Thornton is a strong dramatic actor as well as one with comedic skills, but his performance here is totally one-dimensional and lacking in energy. Scott has more energy but he is more frenetic than funny, more hyper than hilarious. This is the guy who made “Stiffler” a comic icon in “American Pie” but his performance as John Farley will go down in the Comedy Hall of Shame.
Sarandon’s appearance here is questionable. What was she thinking! The woman has spent years building up a strong career. She certainly doesn’t need to slum in trash like this. Poehler is not miscast but she doesn’t do herself or her career any favors by indulging in this type of lukewarm humor.
The film is rated PG-13 for profanity and sexual situations.
It is bad to anticipate a film, especially a comedy, as being a sure winner. But the trailer for this movie made it appear to be a laugh riot. Little did we know. It may not be the worst comedy of the year, but it comes close.
I scored “Mr. Woodcock” a botched 3 out of 10.