“Miracle” (Walt Disney Pictures)
Nobody makes feel good movies like Disney does. Recently we had such emotion charged films as “Remember The Titans” and “The Rookie.” Now in that same tradition we get “Miracle,” the story of the 1980 US Olympic Hockey team that went up against the invincible Russian team. If you were alive at that time you remember the thrills, and if you weren’t you get to live them through this film.
The movie focuses on Herb Brooks (Kurt Russell), the maverick coach who took a group of non-professional hockey players from different locations in the country and forged them into a cohesive team. Brooks methods were a little unorthodox but he knew his guys had to play with heart, endurance and skill and he knew how to improve each of those aspects.
Oscar nominee Patricia Clarkson plays Brooks’ wife Patty, and Eddie Cahill is the goalie Jim Craig. Most of the other roles in the movie are played by actual hockey players. This makes the scenes on the ice ring true, and the guys also manage the dramatic moments of the movie just fine.
Russell steps out of his usual Kurt Russell persona to create a full character in Brooks. He conveys the image of a man who knows his sport and knows how to coach. His players don’t always love him but they do love the results he achieves. Brooks comes across as man who was chosen by history to be in this spot at this time.
The movie is for the family and has a PG rating which allows all to see it. There is some mild profanity and hockey violence but the positive messages of miracles happening and dreams coming true makes it a film experience that should be shared.
Everything in the movie is there to build the excitement and the enthusiasm this time in our sports history created. Not only is the acting valid, but so are the skating sequences and the hockey performances. The photography makes you feel you are on the ice, and combines with a rousing musical score to touch the heartstrings at just the right times.
You will scream with excitement as the United States underdog goes up against the massive Russian juggernaut. And you will be on your feet when the announcer yells out, “Do you believe in miracles! Do you believe in miracles!” With this movie magic washing over you, you will shout back a resounding YES!
I scored “Miracle” a never say die 8 out of 10.