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“Michael Clayton” (Warner Brothers)

Slow Start But Big Payoff

“Michael Clayton” is a movie that starts out slowly, very slowly, but leads up to a taut and satisfying conclusion. George Clooney, who usually looks like the cat who swallowed the canary, foregoes all mannerisms in the title role and actually creates a character. Add to him the talents of Tilda Swinton, Tom Wilkinson and Sydney Pollack and you have a move cast made in Heaven.

The movie starts out in the present and then flashes back for two thirds or more of the running time. This is a plot device that is getting old. Every other movie out of Hollywood these days uses this method of dramatizing the story. Haven’t moviemakers heard of being linear

Anyway we learn Michael Clayton (Clooney) is the clean up man for a large law firm. He also has a gambling problem of sorts. And most of all someone is trying to kill him. We have to go into the past to get the back story so we can understand everything that is happening in the present.

Eventually we learn that the firm’s smartest attorney Arthur Edens (Wilkinson) has been handling a major case for their client U North. At the height of the negotiations he goes off his meds and causes a scene. Michael goes in to clean up the mess and learns that Edens’ problem is that he thinks U North is guilty of some very bad things.

Karen Crowder (Swinton) is the chief litigator for U North and she is determined the case will not be lost. She is willing to do whatever it takes to keep the balance in her company’s favor. If that means illegal wiretapping and worse, then she is willing to do it.

The film moves with the speed of glue at the start but eventually it picks up steam and grabs the audience’s interest. By the time Clayton and Crowder go head to head it has you hanging on every word. These two are at their best when verbally duking it out with each other.

The film is rated R for profanity and violence.

“Michael Clayton” is the kind of movie that left me with more than a few questions, but there are enough answers given to keep the audience satisfied. I am going to have to watch it a second time just to see if I can figure some things out.

This film is a high point in Clooney’s career. He gives this performance everything he is capable of and more. The fact he has surrounded himself with some of Hollywood’s best just makes him a smart actor and a smart producer.

This is a convoluted film that requires you to pay attention. It is a struggle at times but when it is over you will feel satisfied and entertained.

I scored “Michael Clayton” a fixed 7 out of 10.

©2007 Jackie K. Cooper

The author

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