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“Love Actually” (Universal Pictures)

Filmmaker Richard Curtis is a marvelous man for all films. He wrote the scripts for “Four Weddings and A Funeral” and “Notting Hill” among others. Now he has written and directed the wonderful “Love Actually.” It is a wonderfully romantic movie and a wonderfully comic movie. It is also a wonderfully well acted movie and need I say it has a wonderful script. Oh yes, I forgot the wonderful musical score.

The film is completely Altman-esque as it intertwines more stories than you can shake a stick at. You have Jamie (Colin Firth) who is friends with Sarah (Laura Linney) who works for Harry (Alan Rickman) who is married to Karen (Emma Thompson) who is the sister of The Prime Minister (Hugh Grant). You get the gist of how this all works.

Now each of those people, plus many more, are involved in some sort of love relationship with all the highs and lows that entails. All of these relationships are spelled out in little episodes that occur during the four week period preceding Christmas.

Most of the romances work out, but some don’t and that makes for the beauty of the movie. Nothing is perfect in life and no one is absolutely assured that his/her dream of the perfect one will come true. But some do and that is what gives us all hope.

There are moments in this movie that are priceless. You will not forget Hugh Grant dancing around his house and being very good with the footwork. Then there is the scene where Emma Thompson breaks down and you know you are watching one of the great actresses of the screen.

There is also the moment at “the wedding” when the members of the audience start playing musical instruments. Then there is the scene where Colin Firth as Jamie is trying to communicate with his housekeeper Aurelia (Lucia Moniz) and it just isn’t working.

I could go on and on but you just have to see this movie to appreciate all the different facets it entails. Suffice it to say it is a Christmas present of a film in the most wonderful package you can imagine.

It should be noted however that this is an R rated movie. There is profanity and nudity, so don’t be shocked when these things occur in the film.

For those of you who are true romantics, this is the movie you have been anticipating and more. And for those of you who aren’t, this is a movie to be seen and savored just because it is so good.

There’s a lot to love about “Love Actually.” There actually, truly is.

I scored “Love Actually” a loved totally 8 out of 10.

©2003 Jackie K. Cooper

The author

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