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“Live Free Or Die Hard”

The Last Action Hero

Police Officer John McClane returns for one more action adventure in the new suspense thriller “Live Free Or Die Hard.” This film is the rare sequel that is equal to the original. Forget the two intervening sequels this is the one that counts. The bad guys had better look out because Big John is back on the scene and ready to rumble.

Bruce Willis returns to the role of McClane and makes him as cool and smart as ever, plus the man is almost indestructible. In the film McClane has drawn the job of picking up an internet hacker named Matt Farrell (Justin Long) and bringing him to FBI Headquarters in Washington, DC. Farrell and other hackers are wanted for questioning in a shut down of a government system.

Once McClane gets to where Farrell lives everything starts to fall apart. There is a team of assassins closing in who want Farrell dead. Their leader Thomas Gabriel (Timothy Olyphant) has gotten all the information he needs from Farrell and now wants that trail to him eliminated.

From this initial battle to the final scene of the movie the intensity never lets up. There are breathtaking car chases, a battle with a fighter jet, and intensive hand to hand combat. The thrills never let up and the movie never lets you down. From the fight scenes to Willis’ smirk, the film is loaded down with pleasure and excitement.

This is the movie and the role that could put Willis’ career back on the map. Unlike other action heroes who are just too long in the tooth to be playing tough guys, Willis still has the look and the actions to be convincing. He appears to be having a great time playing the role and that enthusiasm comes off the screen and infects the audience.

Olyphant’s Gabriel makes a worthy opponent for Willis’ McClane. Plus there is enough of a backstory to explain why he is doing what he is doing. It doesn’t justify it but it does explain it. Gabriel’s main sidekick is the lovely and lethal Mai Lihn (Maggie Q) and she is as dangerous as Gabriel.

Justin Long adds to the enjoyment of the movie as Farrell. He is a reluctant sidekick for McClane and his awkwardness gives the audience someone with whom to identify. Mary Elizabeth Winstead is perky and appealing as John’s daughter Lucy McClane.

The film is rated PG-13 for profanity and violence. Both have been scaled down for this more family friendly film.

“Live Free Or Die Hard” is the best action film of the summer and one audiences will want to see over and over again. Bruce Willis is back and in full action hero mode making this a sequel that succeeds.

I scored “Live Free Or Die Hard” a fourth time 7 out of 10.

©2007 Jackie K. Cooper

The author

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