Leap Year (Universal Pictures)
The Charms In the Stars
Sometimes an ordinary movie can be made better just on the charm of the actors in the lead roles. Leap Year is such a movie. It has a plot that you can almost write yourself but Amy Adams and Matthew Goode are so good in playing their parts that the audience is pulled into the contrived situation and taken on a joyous ride. You may not remember it for very long after it is over but it certainly leaves a sweet taste in your mouth.
The slight plot has practical and straight-forward Anna (Adams) involved in a relationship with cardiologist Jeremy (Adam Scott) for four years. She is expecting a proposal any day now but none is forthcoming. So when Jeremy leaves for an extended meeting in Ireland, Anna decides to hop a flight and propose to him on Leap Years Day. It is an Irish tradition (or so shes heard) and she wants to get engaged.
Because of bad weather Anna doesnt make it to Dublin. She gets to Ireland but needs someone to take her to that city which is a good distance away. She ends up paying Declan (Goode) a pub owner to take her and he does so reluctantly. They take an instant dislike to each other and bicker the entire way. Still we all know where their relationship is headed.
Adams and Goode are convincing in their moments of aggravation and in their moments of love. They have so much chemistry together that you can forgive any plotholes and just relax and enjoy the tender love in bloom story they present. Adams has never been more beautiful and Goode never as rugged. They enhance each others appeal and elevate each others acting skills. It is a perfect screen pairing.
Plus you do get some comedy in the story and some beautiful Irish scenery. Along the way you also meet an assortment of supporting players and each and every one of them is perfect for their part in the overall story.
The movie is rated PG for some adult situations and mild profanity but overall it is a movie the entire family can enjoy.
Leap Year is not a brilliant film in any way but it is a movie that will thoroughly entertain you for a couple of hours and send you out of the theater feeling better than you did when you entered. Word of mouth should help build its box office as friends recommend it to friends.
Adams and Goode are the perfect couple for this type of film and their charm will guarantee you a pleasurable movie going experience. With any other two actors it might have all been trite, but with this duo it is warm and wonderful.
I scored Leap Year a bounding 6 out of 10.