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“Laws Of Attraction” (New Line Cinema) 

Some screen couples have that special connection necessary to make a love story believable, and some don’t. Julianne Moore and Pierce Brosnan are the two stars of the new romantic comedy “Laws of Attraction” and they have it in spades. These two really click on screen and make the sparks fly as well as the laughs.

Moore plays Audrey Miller and Brosnan plays Daniel Rafferty. Both are New York divorce lawyers and both are at the top of their game. They meet and are instantly attracted to each other but she is determined she will resist him, and he is determined she won’t.

Eventually they both get involved in the case of a rock star (Michael Sheen) whose designer wife (Parker Posey) is suing him for divorce. Getting the couples assets divided requires a trip to Ireland and while there things between the two acrimonious attorneys get a little cozier.

This is Brosnan’s best role ever. The suave, slightly sneering attitude he brought to his James Bond turn has been tossed out the window. He is likeable, relatable, and just plain nice to know. You can easily see why Moore’s character is charmed to meet him.

Moore has to be the best looking actress in Hollywood today, at least in the natural sense of the word. She positively radiates in scene after scene. After all her dramatic roles she seems to be having a ball playing comedy – and she is good at it.

These two actors may not be Tracy and Hepburn but they come close. They make love with their eyes while their words are caustic barbs. You know their characters are perfect for each other but they put up a gallant battle. 

Sheen and Posey add to the fun of the film. They are totally eccentric characters who spin around the two down to earth leads. Frances Fisher looks great as Moore’s mother and throws a quip or two into the fray. And Nora Dunn has a cameo as a presiding judge who has her hands full with the battling lovebird attorneys. 

The film is rated PG-13 for profanity and sexual situations.

If you have been craving a romantic comedy like those Hollywood produced in the forties and fifties then this is a throwback to those days that you will love. Brosnan and Moore are now bonded for life and the more movies they do like this the merrier. Give yourself a treat and take in “The Laws of Attraction.” It’s an old fashioned, good feeling film you are going to love.

I scored “The Laws of Attraction” a magnetic 7 out of 10.

©2004 Jackie K. Cooper

The author

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