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Lakeview Terrace (Sony Pictures)

Call the Cops

Samuel L Jackson is chilling in the new thriller Lakeview Terrace. He plays a cop who might be a ticking time bomb of hate and resentment. Backed up with strong direction from Neil Labute, this movie gives Jacksons his best role in years. And it all adds up to be full entertainment for the audience.

Jackson plays Abel Turner, a cop who lives on Lakeview Terrace in the Valley. He is the widowed father of two teen age children and is very protective and stern. He is not thrilled when an interracial couple moves in next door and even less happy when they cavort romantically in their pool for his kids to see.

Chris (Patrick Wilson) and Lisa (Kerry Washington) are a nice couple who want to get along with their neighbor but a good relationship seems doomed from the start. Abel seems to be predetermined to not like them and nothing they can do will change his mind. When they want to complain they hesitate since he is friends with all the police they might call.

Things escalate in the film until actions spiral out of control. A fire is spreading across the valley but the real heat is felt in the anger Abel has for his neighbors. When he decides he wants them gone, nothing is going to stand in his way.

Jackson is perfect in his role as Abel. He has the frosty demeanor and the steely gaze down to perfection. Wilson and Washington give him solid support. If he did not have two such talented actors to bounce his role off, he would not be nearly as effective as he is.

Labute does not back off from the racial elements of the story but rather uses the tensions to increase the dynamics of the plot. It is an explosive situation and the man next door is on a short fuse.

The movie is rated PG-13 for profanity and violence.

Look for Justin Chambers of Greys Anatomy fame in a brief cameo. He is only on screen for a small amount of time but it is good to see him out of his doctor role. Ron Glass also appears briefly as Lisas father. Regine Nehy is effective as Abels daughter Celia.

The suspense is there in this exciting movie. Samuel L Jackson makes the most of this juicy role and provides thrills and chills in Lakeview Terrace. You will be totally entertained by this super sharp thriller.

I scored Lakeview Terrace a neighborly 7 out of 10.

©2008 Jackie K. Cooper

The author

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