“King Kong” (Universal Pictures)
Who would have thought that some seventy years after the first “King Kong” was released, a new version could be filled with fresh and outstanding moviemaking! But it is, oh it is. Peter Jackson of the “Lord of the Rings” trilogy has brought all his magical skills to this project and made it the most entertaining movie of the year.
The special effects, the CGI action, the green screen projections – all of these theatrical advancements combine to make “King Kong” a totally believable movie. The ape seems to be really there doing all the things he does, and doing them quite well thank you very much. And when Kong heads for the top of the empire state building, well watch your vertigo because you will feel you are actually standing on top of the world, ma.
Naomi Watts plays Ann Darrow, the blond actress who is hired by Carl Denham (Jack Black) to star in a movie to be filmed on Skull Island. The script is being written by Jack Driscoll (Adrien Brody) as they sail across the ocean.
Once they reach Skull Island, Ann is captured by the natives and sacrificed to Kong. He absconds with her and takes her to his “home” where he keeps her as sort of a pet. Later after many battles Kong is captured and taken to New York where he becomes a freak show of sorts. He escapes captivity and ends up on the top of the Empire State Building where he fights off bi-planes with machine guns.
All of this story takes some three hours to tell, but once Kong is met the audience never thinks about time again. It’s the part of the movie before Kong is met that drags just a tiny bit. You have to get all the characters introduced and that takes a while.
Watts is wonderful in her role, and the fact she had to basically act opposite a green screen with the ape to be filled in later makes it even more remarkable. She manages to be more than a scream machine too. She creates a woman who has feelings for the ape and wants to protect him in New York as he did her on Skull Island.
Brody is satisfactory as Ann’s love interest, while Black is evil and manipulative as Denham. Kyle Chandler provides some humor as Bruce Baxter, Ann’s leading man. Andy Serkis has a role as Lumpy, the ship’s cook. He also gave life to Kong.
The film is rated PG-13 for profanity and violence. This is not a movie for the little kids but all else will have a ball with it.
Peter Jackson is a true filmmaker. He knows how to use all of the modern day techniques to bring the story of a monster ape to the screen. The music and sound are great, the acting is stunning, and the visual effects are top grade. All in all this is a movie that can’t be missed.
You might think you have seen all the magic movies can offer, but until you see “King Kong” you haven’t seen the full range. This film is a visual feast while also being a truly heart-wrenching story.
I scored “King Kong a royal 9 out of 10.