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“King Arthur” (Touchstone Pictures)

Clive Owen, Ioan Gruffudd and Keira Knightley star in “King Arthur,” the latest view of the Arthurian legend. Although you have seen countless movies about this king in the past, don’t discount this one as more of the same. This is a harsher, more realistic look at the man and the legend.

To begin with this tale of Arthur and his knights is set in the fifth century AD rather than the sixteenth, which is the usual time frame. The locale is Britain where the Romans are in power. Arthur and his men are slaves of the Roman Empire so to speak but have been promised their freedom if they will complete one last mission.

It is on this mission that Arthur (Owen) meets Guinevere (Knightley). She is being held prisoner at a Roman outpost because she is a Woad. The Woads are a group of people who live in the forest and are led by Merlin (Stephen Dillane). Guinevere is not only a beautiful young woman, she is also a warrior and can hold her on in any battle.

Arthur’s closest friend among his men is Lancelot (Gruffudd). Although Lancelot is tired of doing Rome’s bidding he can never say no to Arthur when it comes to an adventure or a battle. The other men who compose the knights feel the same way.

The movie highlights the bitter conditions under which Arthur and his men fought. The land is cold and merciless with fog and haze blurring the battle scenes. There is one particular battle which takes place on a frozen lake that is amazing to watch. In this event the armies not only have to fear each other, they also have to fear the ice cracking and letting them be swallowed up by the water underneath.

Owen makes a prefect Arthur. He is totally masculine, with a hint of evil in his eyes. Not traditionally handsome he still conveys an appeal and energy that any woman such as Guinevere would find appealing. Owen has been rumored to be in line to be the next James Bond. This role shows he could play that secret agent with ease.

Gruffudd is also impressive as Lancelot. He is Arthur’s right hand man and it shows in his confidence and charm. He is also a lady’s man and his eyes light up whenever Guinevere is around.

As Guinevere, Knightley steals the show. She is beautiful and ferocious, a deadly combination. Whether shooting a bow and arrow or swinging a sword, she is amazing. Knightley made her mark with “Pirates of the Caribbean” and now she seals her stardom with this magnificent role.

The movie is rated PG-13 for violence.

The fact that Owen, Knightley and Gruffudd are not the best known of actors adds to the allure of “King Arthur.” You don’t confuse the actor with the role as you did Brad Pitt in “Troy.” These people are just who they are playing in the screen.

“King Arthur” proves there can still be life in a legend as well known as this one, as long as it is told with a new twist and a solid cast. 

I scored “King Arthur” a knightly 7 out of 10.

©2004 Jackie K. Cooper

The author

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