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Just Wright (Fox Searchlight)

Just Right

Just Wright is a movie that should please its intended romcom audience. Queen Latifah and Common star in this movie about the road to love and happiness. The only stumbling block to people enjoying the film is the fact the entire plot of the film was spelled out in the trailer. There isnt one single twist that you dont expect; not one single turn that hasnt been previewed. The fact people will still enjoy it is a tribute primarily to Latifah.

Latifah plays Leslie Wright a physical therapist who bumps into NBA star player Scott McKnight (Common) when they are both buying gasoline for their cars. Leslie is a girl who knows her basketball and she knows McKnights stats up one side and down the other. He sizes her up as someone special and invites her to his birthday party. Her best friend Morgan (Paula Patton) goes along with her to the party and stakes her claim to Mr. McKnight.

Morgan plays her cards right and draws in McKnight like a fish on the line. The only complication that arises is when he suffers an injury in a game and may not be able to play basketball again. This is not the way Morgan had it planned. Still she does arrange for Leslie to provide his therapy and that leads to more complications.

Latifah is warm, loveable and totally believable as Leslie. The audience is pulling for her right from the start. Common is not the actor Latifah is but he manages to make McKnight a likeable leading man and that is all the role requires. Patton is impressive as the shrew that is Morgan.

Another enjoyable factor of the film is James Pickens, Jr. and Pam Grier being cast as Leslies parents, while Phylicia Rashad is cast as McKnights mother. These three actors steal every scene they are in and make the movie special by their presence.

The movie is rated PG for mild profanity and some suggestive scenes.

Queen Latifah glows in this film. It is her most romantic movie in some time and she makes the most of it. She is girlish and giggly but also mature and sensible. The fact of the matter is she is a big girl and this movie scores points by never making an issue of her size. It doesnt bother Commons character and it doesnt bother the audience. 

Just Wright is a movie in which you can relax and let the fun and heart of the film wash over you. The actors, the look of the film and the musical score all add up to keeping you entertained for two hours. It isnt a great film by any stretch of the imagination but when it came to making a delightful romantic comedy the makers of this film got it just right.

I scored Just Wright a shoots and scores 6 out of 10.

©2010 Jackie K. Cooper

The author

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