“Just Like Heaven” (DreamWorks)
“Just Like Heaven” is a silly, sappy Reese Witherspoon fantasy film that amuses while you are watching but doesn’t linger in your memory for two seconds after it ends. In these days of high ticket prices, high gasoline prices, and high concession stand prices; this “Heaven” can wait for video to be seen by the masses.
Witherspoon plays Elizabeth, a young doctor with a hectic schedule. She has no time for a social life because she is too busy helping save every one who comes within range of her care. Exhausted but satisfied after a long grueling day, she is involved in a car accident.
Later a young man named David (Mark Ruffalo) rents an apartment that belonged to her. After he takes possession she shows up telling him the apartment is hers. After much bickering it dawns on them she can walk through walls so something is clearly wrong here. They consult a guy (Jon Heder) who knows about these things and he explains she is a spirit but not of a dead person. She is the spirit of a person in a coma.
After this premise has finally been divulged the movie goes downhill. If it had stayed a screwball comedy it might have been better. If it had been a romantic “Ghost”-like movie it might have been better. Or if it had been a poignant “Laura” like love story it might have been better. But it is none of these but more a combination of them all and that just doesn’t work.
Witherspoon knows how to do cute and charming. She proved that with “Sweet Home Alabama” and “Legally Blonde.” But sometimes she is just blonde and bland, and that is not a good thing. Opposite her Ruffalo swallows his words and looks goofy. They are not a good couple. They have no charisma together and you don’t buy any love connection between them for a minute.
The film is rated PG-13 for profanity and brief nudity.
“Just Like Heaven” is too cute by half. Young girls may love it but the rest of the population is going to consider it just okay.
I scored “Just Like Heaven” a ghostbusted 5 out of 10.