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Julie & Julia (Sony Pictures)

Great Performances In A Good Movie

Julie & Julia may not be one of the best movies ever made but it is certainly one of the most exuberant. Meryl Streep gives a boisterous and rambunctious performance as Julia Child. Amy Adams is wide eyed and wonderful as Julie Powell. The relationship of these two women spans across time to combine into the unique story that is Julie & Julia.

Nora Ephron directed this film which is based on a combination of two books Julia Childs MY LIFE IN FRANCE and Julie Powells JULIE & JULIA. It takes a bit of doing but Ephron manages to squeeze them together in something of a discernible story.

Julies story concerns her quest to find purpose in her life. She does this by vowing to cook every recipe in Childs cookbook MASTERING THE ART OF FRENCH COOKING and to do it in the space of one year. She also plans to blog about her experiences in doing this.

Julias story takes place in the forties and concerns her decision at age forty-something to find a purpose for her life. She is living in Paris with her husband Paul (Stanley Tucci) and decides to go to the Cordon Bleu School of Cooking. She does this and later decides to write a cookbook.

Both of these women adore their husbands. Paul is everything to Julia, and Julie thinks her husband Eric (Chris Messina) is a saint for putting up with her. Both couples are childless and spend their time devoted to each other when they are not cooking.

Streep nails Childs over the top personality and the distinguishing lilt to her voice. She also looks to be Julias six two height. They must have hired every short actor in Hollywood and France to make Julia seem so tall.

Adams performance as Julie is more low key. Julie comes off as a little self centered and a little flaky. She is also endearing and appealing. Although Adams and Streep have no scenes together they seem to permeate each others.

The movie is a few scenes too long and nothing much really happens over the course of the film, still it is funny and enjoyable for the most part. Plus watching Streep and to a lesser degree Adams do their thing is fascinating. Jane Lynch also adds a charming touch as Julias equally tall sister Dorothy.

The film is rated PG-13 for profanity and sexual situations.

Julie & Julia is an amusing movie heightened in enjoyment by the delightful performances of the actors. Once again Streep is at the top of her game and nails her role with pure enthusiasm.

I scored Julie & Julia a well cooked 6 out of 10.

©2009 Jackie K. Cooper

The author

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