Jonas Brothers: The 3D Concert Experience (Walt Disney Pictures)
A Squeal A Minute
The Jonas Brothers are the latest pop phenomenon to sweep the country. Raised on Disney productions and made to appeal to the pre-teen teenyboppers, this group stars in the G rated Jonas Brothers: The 3D Concert Experience. As far as pop heroes go, this group is welcomed by parents because they are so G rated.
Rather than face the curious and concerned stares of mothers, I opted to review this movie in the company of my nine year old granddaughter Genna. She gave me legitimacy for even being in the theater.. Plus she added to the requisite squeals and screams necessary for the enjoyment of the film.
The movie is basically what it says it is going to be a concert. There are some scenes between numbers but they pass quickly and dont divert from the Jonas Brothers performances. Kevin, Joe and Nick play instruments, song and dance with gusto.
Joe is the main man of the group. He is Gennas favorite and I expect the rest of Americas. He sings lead on most of the songs and seems to know how to woo the audience through looks and actions. Kevin and Nick have their turns in the spotlight but it is Joe who looks to be the breakout star.
Joe also spends the most time with Demi Lovato and Taylor Swift when they drop by for a musical number each. Lovato doesnt have much of a voice but she appears to be a sweet young girl. Swift has stage presence and can sell a song. In the world of country music she probably has more fans than the Jonas Brothers.
A few songs are distinctive but most of them fade into each other. The personalities of the guys are not demonstrated beyond the selling of the songs. The interludes are mostly the Jonases waving to the crowds or racing between events..
The 3D effect does add to the overall enjoyment of the movie as it makes there be something other than just a line of songs. Genna said it looked like you could just reach out and touch Joe. I think that was the intent.
The film is totally G rated.
I managed to last through the film while Genna danced in her seat and the aisles. When it was over she declared it perfect in every way and begged me to give it a 10. Ill just say that she awarded it a 10 and I gave it a squealing 6 out of 10. Averaged out thats an 8 and I know the Jonas Brothers would be very happy with that.