“Johnny English” (Universal Pictures)
Rowan Atkinson stars in the James Bond spoof “Johnny English.” This is a film that rests its acceptance purely on how well an audience can tolerate Atkinson. He is an acquired taste and one that many have not been able to acquire (myself included). If you like him you will have some fun with the film. If you don’t then stay far, far away from theaters where the movie is playing.
In the film Johnny English (Atkinson) is an underling at the headquarters of the British Secret Service. One of his duties is to prepare some weaponry for the top agent to use on a secret mission. While on the mission, one of the weapons fails and the agent is killed.
Later in England, Johnny is assigned the responsibility for security at the agent’s funeral. He fails again, and all the other agents of the Secret Service are killed in a bomb explosion while attending the funeral. This leaves Johnny English as the only candidate to find out who has stolen the crown jewels of England.
As you expect Johnny is inept at every aspect of spying. He does have an able assistant named Bough (Ben Miller) who gets him out of some scrapes. Together they manage to track down the thief and he is wealthy prison owner Pascal Sauvage (John Malkovich). He is working on a scheme by which the Queen will abdicate and he will be named to the throne.
All of this silliness makes up the plot and it drones on for a mercifully short ninety minutes or so. By that time many will have had their absolute fill of Atkinson, and also of Malkovich who mocks his talent by being absurd in a throwaway role.
Singer Natalie Imbruglia is also in the movie. She plays Lorna, an American agent hunting for Sauvage. Imbruglia comes across as a poor substitute for Elizabeth Hurley who made a role like Lorna enjoyable in the first Austin Powers movie. Imbruglia isn’t that talented.
The film is rated PG for brief nudity and violence.
“Johnny English” is a spoof without charm; a comedy without jokes; and a showcase for Atkinson who doesn’t deserve the attention. In Europe this movie is a runaway hit. God save the Queen!
I scored “Johnny English” a revolutionary 3 out of 10.