Jennifers Body (20th Century Fox)
Its Not the Body Thats the Problem, Its the Script
Megan Fox provides a beautiful body for the film Jennifers Body but Diablo Cody doesnt support her with a beautiful script. This tale of a high school girl who is a flesh eating monster lacks bite. The script is neither funny enough nor sympathetic enough. It either had to be over the hill funny or sweetly endearing in some way. It misses on both counts.
Jennifer (Fox) is a flag girl at a small town high school. She is best friends with a girl named Needy (Amanda Seyfried) and she totally dominates her life. Needy has a boyfriend named Chip (Johnny Simmons) but his needs are always secondary to those of Jennifer.
Needy discovers that Jennifer is a man eater in the literal sense, but she cant convince anyone to take her seriously. Still when Jennifer turns her eyes towards Chip, Needy decides it is time to take matters into her own hands.
Fox is as sexy and sensuous as she was in both Transformers movies, but she isnt sympathetic. And neither is Needy. One or both of them needs to be. Remember we all loved Carrie even when she was tearing down the gym, and dispatching tons of high school students to their deaths.
There is a side plot involving a rock group headed up by a guy named Nikolai Wolf (Adam Brody) but it doesnt grab your interest. Maybe this is where the comedy could have come in but it doesnt. It verges on it but never crosses over.
The film is rated R for violence and profanity.
Jennifers Body is a movie that lacks heart. You never care about Jennifer, or Needy, or any of Jennifers victims. They are all cardboard thin characters who dont make any impact of any kind. With Diablo Cody of Juno fame writing the script you expect more bang for your buck. She didnt provide any excitement in this film and no cutting edge comedy to lift it up.
Mark this one down as a monster movie that is basically toothless. Megan Fox tries her hardest but to no avail. The body is great but the movie is flat.
I scored Jennifers Body a fleshy 5 out of 10.