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“Jarhead” (Universal Pictures)

“Jarhead” is the new film by director Sam “American Beauty” Mendes. It is based on a true story by Anthony Swofford about his experiences in the first Gulf War. The book may have some sort of charm but the resulting movie is the dullest war film I have ever seen. Dull and disjointed, the characters never seem to come to life and each one of them fades into the other. Where oh where is John Wayne when we need him!

The film starts with Anthony Swofford (Jake Gyllenhaal) enlisting in the Marines. His father and two uncles had been marines so it was a family tradition. Still Swofford doesn’t seem to be the type to go gung-ho. That category fits his Staff Sergeant (Jamie Foxx). He is marine through and through and it is his job to whip these troops into shape.

As the months of Swofford’s enlistment creep by we get to see some of the other troops in his unit. They all appear to be variations on the same theme. Each is quirky or crazy, and all are a walking advertisement for dysfunctional soldiers.

At the halfway point in the film the guys are sent overseas to fight the Iraqis. Or at least they are there to do that but no fighting ever occurs. They just pass their days trying to stay sane, or maintain a semblance thereof.

Gyllenhaal is a poor choice to play Swofford. He is the focal point of the film and he does nothing to hold your attention. Being bland is one thing but being one hundred per cent dull is another. Foxx at least stirs up some excitement every now and then.

The film is rated R for profanity, violence and nudity.

Sam Mendes was on a high with “American Beauty.” He slipped a little lower with “Road To Perdition.” Now he hits rock bottom with “Jarhead.” You shudder to think about what he will do next.

“Jarhead” is a jarringly bad movie. It has nothing to recommend it. With its pedigree of actors and director it should have been much more. That it isn’t amounts to one of the major disappointments of the year – in a year full of cinematic disappointments.

I scored “Jarhead” a shaved 4 out of 10.

©2005 Jackie K. Cooper

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