
Review overview

Rating 6


6 tech score

Independence Day: Resurgence
Liam Hemsworth in “Independence Day: Resurgence”; photo courtesy of 20th Century Fox

“Independence Day: Resurgence (20th Century Fox)

“Independence Day: Resurgence” is a sequel that should automatically be a hit. First off it has a reason for being. We all knew the aliens that attacked earth in the first film would be back some day. Plus the inspiring President played by Bill Pullman did not die in the first film so he should still be around for the sequel as should those characters played by Judd Hirsch and Jeff Goldblum. Thirdly special effects have gotten even better since 1996 so another alien invasion should really rock the screen.

And so we have the sequel, but it just never comes together to give us the thrills we are expecting. One flaw is we are immediately introduced to a trio of new characters played by Liam Hemsworth, Jessie T Usher and Maika Monroe. We eventually learn Monroe is playing President Whitmore’s (Pullman) daughter and Usher is playing the son of Will Smith and Viveca A Fox’s characters from the previous movie. Hemsworth character of David appears to be a role created for this film with no ties to the past.

Before we get a chance to really know and/or like these characters the aliens are coming. Luckily the movies does bring in David Levinson (Goldblum) and his father Julius (Hirsch) whio makes us feel all warm and fuzzy for the first film. These two actors inject a bit of humor and of warmth which is sorely needed.

Hemsworth, who is the titular star of the movie, is a dud. He is handsome as all get out but a dud just the same. He is supposed to be the renegade ace pilot who men admire and women love. On paper he checks that square but in actuality he is just a pretty face with no charm. Plus he and Monroe, who is his love interest, have zero chemistry together.

A lot of screen time is spent on the battles between earth and the aliens. This is where the special effects should have really kicked in, but for some reason it is just one “been there, seen that” sequence after another. This is one of those movies where a fighting plane can be speeding into a field of rocks and debris but can slide between them with ease. It just doesn’t play true.

The movie is rated PG-13 for profanity and violence.

What “Independence Day: Resurgence” needs is that thrill of patriotism the first movie presented. It is after all a film about “Independence Day” and Bill Pullman’s stirring speech from the first movie should have been matched in this one. Still it is not a bad movie. In fact it is better than average. But with so much gong for it, it should have been better – much better

I scored “Independence Day: Resurgence” a holiday 6 out of 10.

The author

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