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“Exorcist: The Beginning” (Warner Brothers)

After all those horrific Richard Burton et al sequels to the original “Exorcist,” the well about possession had pretty much run dry. But Hollywood is a never say die type of town and so a “prequel” has made its way to the screen. “Exorcist: The Beginning” tells the story of Father Merrin and his life before the days of “The Exorcist.”

When the film starts Merrin (Stellan Skarsgard) is contacted about a church that has been found in Africa. It dates back years before Christianity was supposed to have come to that region. Merrin has left the priesthood and is now making his living as an archeologist, so he goes to the location to study the church.

He is accompanied by Father Francis (James D’Arcy) who is to study the religious implications for the Vatican. At the site they make the acquaintance of the local doctor (Izabela Scorupco). They also make the acquaintance of a man who has two young sons at the site. One of them, Joseph (Remy Sweeney) is soon caught up in some of the mystical problems affecting the site.

The plot of the film is difficult to follow but it all boils down to a fight between good and evil. There is a powerful demon on the loose and it has possessed someone at the site. Eventually it will be up to Merrin to do battle for that soul.

There are some good special effects in the film, and the story does hold your interest even though it is virtually unfollowable. You just go with the basic points and don’t bother with the inconsistencies along the way.

When the demon finally appears it bears a striking resemblance to Linda Blair in “The Exorcist.” Plus when Merrin dons his black suit and hat he looks much like Max Von Sydow did in the later story. Those are two plusses for a film that needs all the positive reactions it can get.

The film is rated R for violence and profanity.

“Exorcist: The Beginning” is only a pale imitation of the original film but somehow the battle between good and evil does entertain. You won’t be bored, but you won’t be impressed either.

I scored “Exorcist: The Beginning” a demonic 4 out of 10.

©2004 Jackie K. Cooper

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