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“Dreamgirls” (Paramount Pictures)

Beyond Your Wildest Dreams

Once in a while a movie comes along that gets everything right. The casting, the story, the emotions are on target. Such a movie is “Dreamgirls” and it has amazing songs to boot. A star-studded cast give their all to make this story, loosely based on Diana Ross and the Supremes, as mesmerizing as possible. It is one of the year’s best and possibly the very best. Don’t miss it!

The story tells of the rise of girls’ trio that is dominated by the powerful voice of Effie White (Jennifer Hudson). The girls known as the “Dreams” are taken under the wing of manager Curtis Taylor (Jamie Foxx) and begin singing backup for the legendary James Early (Eddie Murphy).

When the group becomes a hit on its own Curtis pushes Effie into the background and starts showcasing Deena (Beyonce’ Knowles). Eventually Effie is forced out of the group and falls on hard times. Her leaving is the basis for the show-stopping number “And I Am Telling You I’m Not Going.” Hudson puts her heart and soul into selling this song and she is amazing in her power and range.

Murphy is also a stand out. This seems to be the role he was born to play and he makes the most of his scenes. His character is a talented man but he is also something of a wastrel. He romances the other member of the Dreams, Lorrell (Anika Noni Rose). She tries to protect him from himself and his bad habits.

Foxx and Beyonce’ are the “stars” of the film but they are relegated to the background thanks to the powerful performances of Hudson and Murphy. Still they make their mark. Foxx is one of the brightest actors in Hollywood today and Beyonce’ is one of the great beauties of our time.

Keith Robinson adds to the integrity of the film with his role as CC, Effie’s brother. Robinson takes a small part and makes it noticeable by using his quiet charm and soulful voice. Danny Glover has some good moments as Early’s first manager.

The film is rated PG-13 for profanity.

Director Bill Condon has gathered together some of the most talented people in the business and uses them to bring this 1980’s Broadway show to glory on the big screen. He captures every nuance of the script and every motion of the musical numbers. He is the guiding hand that leads them all to be more amazing than expected.

Some of the numbers in “Dreamgirls” are so powerful and pleasing you will want to stand up and cheer. Jennifer Hudson and Murphy should reap rewards for their roles and Hudson should be the golden girl at the Academy Awards this year. She may sing about leaving but she will be around for years to come.

“Dreamgirls” is a dream of a musical. Make sure you get your tickets early for this soulful story of singing success. 

I scored “Dreamgirls” a supreme 9 out of 10.

©2006 Jackie K. Cooper

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