
Movie Reviews

Movie Reviews

The Man

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"The Man" (New Line Cinema) Samuel L Jackson and Eugene Levy co-star in the action/comedy "The Man." This is another "odd couple" movie as the
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Movie Reviews

The Love Guru

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The Love Guru (Paramount Pictures) Silliness Combined With Crudity Equals Flopola Mike Myers has shown he can be funny in such movies as Austin Powers
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Movie Reviews

Little Man

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"Little Man" (Sony Pictures) Bigger Laughs Than Expected Watching "Little Man" is like watching a takeoff of the old cartoon "Baby Huey." Marlon Wayans plays
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Movie Reviews

Little Miss Sunshine

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"Little Miss Sunshine" (Fox Searchlight) Don't Be Fooled By the Title "Little Miss Sunshine" is an R rated film about a totally dysfunctional family. It
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Movie Reviews

The Longest Yard

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"The Longest Yard" (Paramount Pictures) For some reason Adam Sandler wanted to remake the 1970's Burt Reynolds' hit "The Longest Yard." Why, is hard to
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Movie Reviews

The Longshots

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The Longshots (MGM) Good But Not Great The Longshots is one of those movies that gives you a good feeling while you are watching it
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Movie Reviews

The Lookout

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"The Lookout" (Miramax) Better Than Expected "The Lookout" is the type of independent looking movie that arrives on the scene without much fanfare. People stumble
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