
Movie Reviews

Movie Reviews

Scary Movie 3

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"Scary Movie 3" (Dimension Films) Everything that went right in the first two "Scary Movies" goes wrong in the third installment. Maybe that is because
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Movie Reviews

Rumor Has It

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"Rumor Has It" (Warner Brothers) Jennifer Aniston's face seems to grace each and every tabloid newspaper and magazine's cover these days. She also seems to
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Movie Reviews

Revolutionary Road

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Revolutionary Road (Paramount Vantage) A Rocky Road To Hell Sam Mendes directs his wife Kate Winslet, along with her Titanic co star Leonardo DiCaprio, in
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Movie Reviews

The Ring Two

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"The Ring Two" (DreamWorks) "The Ring Two" is proof of the theory that most sequels are bad ideas. This movie is a jumbled mess that
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Movie Reviews

The Ringer

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"The Ringer" (Fox Searchlight Pictures) In order to enjoy the Johnny Knoxville comedy "The Ringer" you have to get past the fact it is about
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Movie Reviews


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Rio (20th Century Fox) Feeling Blu Rio is a brightly colored movie that takes the audience down to Rio de Janeiro in Brazil for a
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Movie Reviews

The Rite

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The Rite (Warner Brothers) The Rite Stuff Any movie that features Anthony Hopkins in a lead role has something extra going for it. This is
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Movie Reviews

The Road

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The Road (Dimension Films) Long, Winding, Depressing and Uplifting The Road is a movie based on a novel by Cormac McCarthy, who also wrote the
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Movie Reviews

Reign Over Me

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"Reign Over Me" (Sony Pictures) The Serious Side of Sandler A few weeks ago we had funnyman Jim Carrey going all serious on us with
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