
Movie Reviews

Movie Reviews

Taking Lives

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"Taking Lives" (Warner Brothers) Angelina Jolie's latest film, "Taking Lives," is another thriller. It seems Hollywood is churning them out in abundance these days with
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Movie Reviews


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"Superbad" (Sony Pictures) "Not Superbad, But Not Good Either" Any movie titled "Superbad" is just asking for some smart mouth critic to holler, "You said
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Movie Reviews

Superman Returns

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"Superman Returns" (Warner Brothers) Good But Not Super Heeee's back! Yes Superman returns to the big screen in a new adventure titled "Superman Returns" (clever
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Movie Reviews

Surf’s Up

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"Surf's Up" (Sony Pictures) Surfing Penguins - Are We Surprised After the success of marching penguins and dancing penguins should we be surprised that we
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Movie Reviews


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Surrogates (Touchstone Pictures) The Robot Did It Watching the futuristic Bruce Willis thriller Surrogates is like seeing a future where everyone is a Stepford person.
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Movie Reviews

Surviving Christmas

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"Surviving Christmas" (DreamWorks Pictures) Ben Affleck drives another nail into the coffin of his career with "Surviving Christmas," a non-funny comedy that won't be around
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Movie Reviews

Suspect Zero

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"Suspect Zero" (Paramount Pictures) "Suspect Zero" is a film with aspirations to be another "Seven." It incorporates the moodiness of that film and the horrific
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Movie Reviews

Swimming Pool

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"Swimming Pool" (Focus Features) "Swimming Pool" is one of those European movies which takes its own sweet time telling its story and never lets the
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