
Movie Reviews

Movie Reviews

3:10 To Yuma

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"3:10 To Yuma" (Lionsgate) Take A Later Train Fifty years ago Glenn Ford and Van Heflin starred in a moderately successful western titled  "3:10 To
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Movie Reviews


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"300" (Warner Brothers) Captures the Look But Not the Emotion "300" is a visually stunning film that captures the comic book look of the story
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Movie Reviews


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"Taxi" (20th Century Fox) Queen Latifah and ex- "SNL" star Jimmy Fallon combine their talents to take the audience on a joyride in "Taxi." This
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Movie Reviews

13 Going On 30

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"13 Going On 30" (Revolution Pictures) Jennifer Garner has the starring role in the new film "13 Going On 30" and she makes the most
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Movie Reviews

Teacher’s Pet

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"Teacher's Pet" (Walt Disney Pictures) Once again we hear the sound of Walt Disney spinning in his grave, vault or whatever. It is hard to
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Movie Reviews

This Is It

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This Is It (Sony Pictures) What Might Have Been The documentary This Is It is a chronicle of the rehearsals for Michael Jacksons comeback tour.
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Movie Reviews

10,000 B. C.

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"10,000 B. C." (Warner Brothers) Where Is Raquel Welch When You Need Her In 1966 there was a movie released titled "One Million Years B.
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