
Movie Reviews

Movie Reviews

V For Vendetta

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"V For Vendetta" (Warner Brothers) T Is For Terrorism Natalie Portman and Hugo Weaving star in the new action thriller from the Wachowski Brothers titled
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Movie Reviews


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"Vacancy" (Sony Pictures) Terror Checks In "Vacancy" is somewhat similar to the old "Psycho" film but not as terrifying and not as shocking. What it
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Movie Reviews

28 Weeks Later

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"28 Weeks Later" (Fox Atomic) Same Old Same Old In 2002 there was a sharp little horror film titled "28 Days Later." It dealt with
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2012 (Columbia Pictures) Praise the Special Effects, Discount the Script Audiences tend to live cataclysmic events in movies. We all held our breaths in The
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Movie Reviews


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"Underclassman" (Miramax) The only thing believable about Nick Cannon's new film "Underclassman" is that he could actually be a senior in high school. He does
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Movie Reviews

Two Brothers

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"Two Brothers" (Universal Pictures) Several years ago Jean-Jacques Annaud created a film entitled "The Bear." It was a fascinating look at life in the wild
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Movie Reviews


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"Underdog" (Walt Disney Pictures) A Dog Saves the Day "Underdog" is the perfect movie for five and six year olds. For all else, well this
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Movie Reviews


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"2Fast2Furious" (Universal Pictures) In the summer of 2001 a movie came out of nowhere to tear up the box office. It was titled "The Fast
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Movie Reviews

Two For The Money

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"Two For the Money" (Universal Pictures) Al Pacino, Matthew McConaughey and Rene Russo star in the new film "Two For the Money." This is a
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