
Movie Reviews

Movie Reviews

The Wild

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"The Wild" (Walt Disney Pictures) In "The Wild" a father loses his son and searches for him frantically. Sound kind of "Nemo"-ish Also in "The
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Movie Reviews


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"Wall-E" (Walt Disney Pictures) The Al Gore Story "Wall-E" is the latest animated film from Pixar Studios. As such it follows in the tradition of
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Movie Reviews


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Wanted (Universal Pictures) Angelina Kicks Butt Somewhere in another universe women like Angelina Jolie live just like us other mortals. They get food at the
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Movie Reviews


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"War" (Lionsgate) Battle of the Supercool Men Two of Hollywood's baddest and coolest men do battle in the new film "War." Yes they don't come
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Movie Reviews

War Of The Worlds

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"War of the Worlds" (Paramount Pictures) "War of the World" is a frightening, horrifying film about aliens taking over the earth. It has an award
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Movie Reviews


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Watchmen (Warner Brothers) Dont Watch the Watchmen Sometimes the anticipation for a movie can be so high that what is finally delivered on screen has
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Movie Reviews

View From The Top

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"View From the Top" (Miramax) Academy Award winner Gwyneth Paltrow goes for the trite and tacky in a so-so romantic comedy entitled "View From the
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